Thursday, April 3, 2008

Liquid Heat is now the official resllers for Alun Bestor

Slade and I are excited to let everyone know that this talented graphic artist will be entering Second Life very shortly.
Liquid Heat will be working as his exclusive authorized representatives in world.
We will keep you posted about the launch date.

Take a look at some of his creations:

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

New vendor goodies from Liquid Heat

(Posted by Slade Christensen)

Good day! Slade here, Erin's worse half and the geeky side of Liquid Heat :)

As this is my first entry to our blog, I want to thank all of the folks who have made Liquid Heat what it is today. Your support, in whatever way you chose to show it, has truly been a blessing in our lives, and we are very much grateful!

On to the good stuff!

Recently Liquid Heat got in cahoots with MetaCard, a company in SL who came up with and now actively, and professionally, promote and manage a credit card for SL. Yep, you heard it, now your credit rating can skyrocket in SL as well :)

We had just released our Liquid Vend vendor, a product that was a take off of our Liquid Rez unit. If you haven't seen it in action, it's quite fun to work with. Simply find one of our builds by pressing left/right and click the rez button. Every one of our builds is in one of these units and you can view them rez right before your eyes, walk around them (or in them), and get a close up look that you won't get when interacting with an 'on the wall' vendor. Then come back to the unit and keep perusing or buy the build you just fell in love with :)

So now, if your'e a bit short on cash, you can just click the MetaCard button and your sparkling new build is in your inventory, and you don't have to pay until later! What's not to like about that?

This Liquid Vend release also gives the merchant who uses it the ability to split their profits from sales among as many people as they like, assign managers who can use the 'management' functions of the unit, and much more!

If you've read this far into the post, I'll share a tiny secret with you. Liquid Heat has some *huge* things coming soon, so stay tuned!